Winter Solstice 2012

Part 2 - Special ceremony at the Sacred Spring, Amesbury 11am to 11:59am

Bex, Frank, Jill, Kate, Richie, Rosie, Jaz and Niall  came together to mark the sunrise in Tiwanaku, thinking of and linking hearts with our Brothers and Sisters in Bolivia.

Below: Euralia and Francisco taken with us in the same sacred place June 2012.

The sun is now rising higher in our sky and the first glimpse of the sun has now reached our brothers in South America.

We wished for those in our grove most connected with the Amauta priests of the Aymara people, to visit our most sacred place. With a cauldron containing fire, the smoke of which sending our prayers upwards to meet the smoke from he fires of our Aymara brothers and sisters travelling as one to the realms of the Gods.