
The Order of Bards Ovates and Druids

The Order of Bards Ovates & Druids is a spiritual group dedicated to practising, teaching, and developing Druidry as a valuable and inspiring spirituality.


The Druid Network

The Network is not a Druid Order: it makes no attempt at defining or teaching one interpretation of Druidry, ancient or modern. Instead it aims to offer a rich blend of information and inspiration to all


The Pagan Federation

Founded in 1971 the PF seeks to support all Pagans to ensure they have the same rights as the followers of other beliefs and religions. It aims to promote a positive profile for Pagans and Paganism and to provide information on Pagan beliefs to the media, official bodies and the greater community.


The fellowship of Isis

The Fellowship of Isis (FOI) is an international spiritual organization devoted to promoting awareness of the Goddess





English Heritage

English Heritage (The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England) is a non-departmental public body which manages the historic built environment of England. Today it is an executive agency of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. (Manages Stonehenge) .

The National Trust

The National Trust is a charity and is completely independent of Government.

We protect and open to the public over 350 historic houses, gardens and ancient monuments. (Manages much of the surrounding sacred landscape)


Heritage Key

A special interest site for those curious about our ancient past. Using film, articles and computer graphics this site provides information in an exciting and digestible format.

The Forge Gallery

The Amesbury shop where people can go to see, or buy, great local art inspired by the Wiltshire landscape. Sometimes, only a unique gift will do, handmade in England. Run by Andy and Michelle the artists who provided us with The Ancestor in 2010 and the symbol of unity this year.